
The Public Enterprises and Control Agency (PECA) is assigned (Art. 42 of the Concessions Act) to carry out independent external control under the Law on Concessions on the implementation of certain concession contracts for state and municipal concessions on the basis of an annual plan approved by the Council of Ministers, as well as to carry out extraordinary inspections, when assigned by the Coordination Council on Concessions.

In the performance of its functions PECA carries out documentary control and on-site inspections of the concession grantors and concessionaires - parties to the concluded concession contracts and, if necessary, on the site of concession. For the results of the performed control for each concession contract the executive director of PECA prepares a report, which is handed over to the concession grantor (minister or mayor of a municipality) and to the minister of finance.

The Executive Director of PECA prepares annually and submits to the Coordination Council on Concessions a report with summarised information and information on the systemic problems established during the control, related to the implementation of concession contracts, on which PECA is assigned to perform control, on the basis of which guidelines for their elimination are proposed for adoption.

Summarized information on the performed independent external control over the implementation of certain concession contracts and the guidelines for elimination of systemic problems related to the implementation of concession contracts, adopted by the Coordination Council for Concessions, are published annually on the PECA website under the heading “Concessions”.

The functions for exercising control on the part of the Agency are regulated in Art. 42 of the Law on Concessions, Art. 22 of the Law on Privatisation and Post-privatisation Control and Art. 8 and Art. 9 of the Structural Rules of PECA.